虚张声势: make an empty show of streng ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...吹牛: boast; brag; blast; talk big ...骗子: swindler; cheat; trickster; ...〔美俚〕虚张声势的人,吹牛的人。: fourflusher虚张声势的人: bluff; fourflusher; hector虚张声势的: swashbuckling虚张声势的防御: dutch defence虚张声势的恐吓: empty threats words promises dreams虚张声势: make an empty show of strength; be swashbuckling; be full of bravado; bluff and bluster; bluff purposely; borrowed plumes; flourish [flaunt] one's authority; make a tremendous show of force deliberately; make [put on; put up] a false show of strength; make a great show of force; make a pompous but empty show (of power) and influence; make a pretense (of power); make a deceptive show of power; make an empty [outward] show; maintain the appearance of strength; put up [on] a bluff; play a game of bluff; put up a bold front; whistle in the dark虚张声势,吓唬(人): bluff虚张声势,空架子。: mock-majesty虚张声势地说: bluff 2昂首阔步, 虚张声势吓人, 大摇大摆, 吹牛: vi他虚张声势地说: he bluffed〔拉丁语〕吓唬,空口威胁,虚张声势。: brutum fulmen我要揭露你的虚张声势: called your bluff time is up胡说八道的人,吹牛者: spanish athlete吹牛者: big bluffer; braggart; charlatan; fanfaron; fourflusher; spanish athlete虚张声势而又装出很安详的样子: put on a good bluff虚张声势以达到目的的手法。: lifemanship〔美国〕吹牛者。: spanish athlete不响@不张声势: urkilarakv大张声势: put up a pageantry